Welcome to My Newsletter!
This will be an occasional newsletter highlighting up to date workforce news and information.

Workforce Training Funds State of Ohio TechCred Application Period
The TechCred application period has opened, here is the link to the application: Ohio TechCred. This application period opens June 1st and will close on June 30th at 3:00 pm. If your company received TechCred funds in the past, you can apply for the next round and continue to apply for each application period to receive funding for training your employees. If you are an employer in Warren County, and need assistance in processing your TechCred application, you can contact Robert (Bob) Sheehan from Warren County Career Center, he can provide assistance to an employer in processing their TechCred application. WCCC has a list available of their classes and certifications at this link (Warren County Adult Education Programs) and they will discuss with you those that are approved and will provide assistance in how to get a class or certification approved if it is not on the TechCred list. Bob’s contact information: Robert.sheehan@mywccc.org or (513) 933-3959.
TechCred Awardees - Submitting proof of credential completion
TechCred Reimbursement Request Update
Effective March 1, 2023, the following information will be required for all TechCred reimbursement requests:
A copy of the credential earned (certificate or certification).
An itemized invoice which clearly identifies the cost of the credential.
Proof of payment which may include either a cleared check, a credit card statement, or a bank statement. The document must identify the training provider, the amount paid, and the date paid and must clearly show that the payor is the TechCred Grantee.
A copy of the TechCred Employment Verification form for each employee included in the request
Meeting Employers Training Needs – Advanced Manufacturing Training Programs
Cincinnati State Workforce Development Center
Machine Operator 2 - Starting June 22, 2023 (Taking Machine Operator 1 before Machine Operator 2 is highly recommended).
Machine Operator 1 - Starting September 6, 2023.
Please Contact: Jerry Whitaker Business Manager, Machine Operator Program, Workforce Development Center; jerry.whitaker@cincinnatistate.edu | 513-569-4857 voice | 513-884-6905 cell | www.cincinnatistate.edu/wdc
Great Oaks
Looking for highly qualified candidates to hire? Great Oaks Career Campuses can assist you with this. We offer three programs in manufacturing. CNC Manufacturing covers manual and automated machining, metrology, shop math, and print reading. The program is 900 hours and started in August, and they will graduate in June. These students have a desire to work in the machining field and are learning more each day. The second manufacturing program is the Industrial Maintenance Technician Program. This program focuses on the electrical and mechanical systems in a manufacturing process facility. They study AC/DC electricity, motor control, hydraulics/pneumatics, PLCs, mechanical systems for moving products, and the sensors that regulate that system. This program is during the day M, W, F, so the students are available to work T & Th and M, W, F evenings. The third program is Welding Technician. In this program, we teach SMAW, GMAW, FCAW, GTAW in all positions. The students learn shop math and blueprint reading throughout the year. In addition, the students learn Oxy-fuel cutting, Plasma cutting, and air-arc cutting. This is a 900 hours program also that is an evening class, so students are available to work during the day. All of our programs have students that are available to work in different capacities. They can be hired full-time, part-time, or as an intern or co-op. Feel free to contact me for more information regarding our current students or if you have incumbent employees that you would like to enroll in some of our programs.
Please Contact: Michael Burck, Supervisor, Adult Workforce Development,burckm@greatoaks.com 513-612-5853
Workforce Resource – Voluntary Layoff Aversion Program
SharedWork Ohio!
SharedWork Ohio is a voluntary layoff aversion program. It allows workers to remain employed and employers to retain trained staff during times of reduced business activity. Under a SharedWork Ohio plan, the participating employer reduces affected employees’ hours in a uniform manner. The participating employee works the reduced hours each week, and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) provides eligible individuals an unemployment insurance benefit proportionate to their reduced hours.
The Link to find out more about the Program: Shared Work Ohio